Our Process Is Equipped To Produce Accurate And Consistent Molds
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Unlike traditional standard sand casting procedures, our automated system can easily take on various challenging projects that deal with great complexity and deep mold pockets.

Precise & Accurate Geometric
Shapes At High Density
High-volume Output And
Low Cost & Efficiency
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The Benefits Of Our System Include:
- Uniformity and accuracy
- Elimination of mold shift
- Elimination of mold mismatches
- High-density molds
- Reduced labor expenses savings that are passed on to our clients
To meet the demands of the specific molding components, we have the ability to automatically adjust variables to provide the desired outcome. Our molding machine operator can adjust the sand fill, allowing adjustment for variations in each pattern. Our operator can also deliver different mold densities and hardness by adjusting the cope and drag heights and the total squeeze pressure. Whatever the mold requirements, we are equipped with automated machines that will consistently produce your mold.
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No-bake uses resin-bonded sand that sets without heat. It is also referred to as an air set process utilizing a liquid binder that hardens at room temperature. The process utilizes binders instead of heat for polymerization.
With our no-bake process, you can choose from a full line of refractory coatings, release agents, and metal cleaners.

Produces Complicated Designs
With Flawless Surface Finish
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Some Of The Advantages Include:
- Variable cure times, which allows the operator to pour molds shortly after stripping
- Consistent sand flow ability
- Patterns may be made from metal, wood, and plastic
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Shell cores are manufactured with resin-coated silica sand. The cores are hollow and can be made in various sizes and configurations. We’ve used this procedure within various industries that require precise casting components.

Produces Accurate Molds
With Complex Interior Structure
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Core Blowing Advantages:
High tolerances
The shell cores allow you to maintain applications to high tolerances.
Accuracy and automation
Shell and core molds are made by molding machines, which can accurately produce innovative aluminum castings with complex inside structures. The main function is performed by the machine and not the worker.
Great dimensional accuracy
This hard molding material will reduce the swelling of sand molds. Therefore, the dimensional tolerance will be smaller. This advantage will be very useful for producing high-accuracy rough castings, and it can reduce the machining cost.
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The core blowing automated machine is designed for high-productivity mid-sized components. It is highly efficient, produces high-quality components, and allows us to price competitively.
While most clients appreciate our ability to price projects using our core blowing technique, the ability to make higher-quality cores is our main incentive. When you allow an operator to manually change recipes, your core’s condition can be expected to change. Excessive material can weaken a core after metal is poured. Automation eliminates the human error of inconsistent material pours.

Produces High Quality
Components At Affordable Pricing
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Core Blowing Advantages:
Competitive pricing
This equipment allows us to compete with lower prices from foundries using traditional methods.
Guarantee quality
The quality control is built into the machine with the RFID tags, and therefore allows for consistent cast applications.
Based on our experience, our core blowing system is more efficient when we need to blow multiple core boxes from the same chamber of sand.
High productivity
Works great with existing tooling, wooden dump boxes, shell tooling, cold box tooling and oil sand tooling.
We have the experience to produce the following components:
- Exhaust manifolds
- Veins and volutes
- Small molds
- Pump components and housings
The core blowing automated machine is designed for high-productivity mid-sized components. It is highly efficient, produces high-quality components, and allows us to price competitively. While most clients appreciate our ability to price projects using our core blowing technique, the ability to make higher-quality cores is our main incentive. When you allow an operator to manually change recipes, your core’s condition can be expected to change. Excessive material can weaken a core after metal is poured. Automation eliminates the human error of inconsistent material pours.
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- ... is dedicated to continuous improvement.